10 Inspiring Photographers

Recently, I have watching Steve Carty’s videos on YouTube and learning a lot from him. One of his recommendations is to make a list of 10 photographers who you want to imitate, who are more advanced than you.

I have been following many photographers on Instagram, but without any focus. Since I want to specialize in underwater photography, I decided to create this list.

Elizabeth Blank (website)

Learned about her from a podcast interview. Her portfolio is exactly what I want to do, underwater portraits and commercial photography. It seems she has been active lately, but her site is still a great inspiration.

Adam Opris (website)

While not strictly underwater photographer, I really like that his photography is mix of underwater and on land. I also don’t want to be only underwater photographer. While I would never do weddings, but would love creative and artistic photos on land.

Brandon Woelfel (Website)

Not an underwater photographer but I really love his photos.

Steve Carty (website)

He is a great teacher, and I love his portraits.

Kasey Vaitekunas/One Sweet World Images (website)

Kasey also does both underwater and on land photography. Love her portfolio as well.

Flash Pool Productions (website)

Sarah (the owner) seems to be strictly underwater photographers. Really like her portfolio as well.

Sarah Hoover (website)

Another great photographer. She not strictly underwater photographer but love her portfolio. Her photos are dreamy, painterly. That’s the style I also want to master. Really love her Magic Photography.


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